Why Moonflower Blooms
Welcome to my website “Moonflowerblooms”.
The name has an important meaning to me for a couple of reasons. After retirement a few years back, I made a conscious decision to simplify my life – the hectic working days had taken its toll and my mind was cluttered with too much stuff. I wanted more than anything – simplicity. And writing helped me with that, clearing my mind of nothing else but thoughts channeling through to the keyboard.
Simplicity is the little things that make you happy – the “free” things that all one has to do is really look and see – observe and appreciate. It’s anything that reaches into your soul, grabs it, and makes it smile – the type of smile that brings that youthful look into aging eyes.
Moonflower Blooms means that to me – simple things that give us pleasure.
My Dad died several years ago and he was and still is the spirit inside of me that nudges me to be authentically who I am. I felt, even as a young girl, that our souls were alike, that the things he loved, I loved too – a spirit connectedness.
We moved to Arizona back in the late 70’s, leaving my mom and dad, sister, and my baby nieces in Illinois. One of the hardest things that I ever did was to leave my family, however much the magnetic draw of the west drew me. So, back then (pre the internet world), my dad would write long letters on yellow legal paper and tell me about his world. Farming, church, family events, gardening, his dogs – reports of his daily life that would revive my spirit that was craving for the simplicity he lived. Amidst the hectic career focused, child rearing, hippy days of the 80’s and 90’s, my dad’s letters brought me back to the simple spirit of my youth.
I ran across those letters 30 years later and read through each and every one of them, often through tearful eyes. And I was reminded of his gentle spirit and the simplistic nature that we share. The image on this page is of his writing.
The paragraph that meant the most – that spoke to me the most reverently was this one:
“I had a moonflower vine planted this year by the dead tree stump in back and it has been blooming up a storm – big white blooms from sunset till next morning. I’ve planted them before but could not get them to bloom. Isn’t it strange – it’s the little things that makes you happy!”
I could see him watching this vine daily during his walks around the yard, tending to his garden. The saunter, the plaid shirt, the way he quietly moved with his dog by his side, tending to his plants and trees – the true farmer at peace with himself and the world around him that God entrusted him with.
Those words got me thru the homesickness that harbored inside me, always near the surface. They calmed me, they moved me, they reminded me deep down where my roots were and where my spirit thrived. It’s the little things that make you happy…..
My goal is to remind you of those. To bring back memories, stories, photos, and encourage you to live a life that is simple. A moonflower bloom type of life.
Simply yours…..
Love it!!
Thanks – sweet daughter 🙂
SImply lovely?
Thank you my friend.
Nancy Van Pelt
Kay, the moonflower vine quote from your dad’s letter brought tears to my eyes. I adore your website and your writing style. Your words are a moonflower for my own soul!
Thank you Nancy – I am touched that you “felt” the words.
Jane stuttle
Your writings are so you. Each and every statement and word reaches into the soul. You have a God-given gift of embracing and sharing your life with others. It is indeed those things we cannot take with us, that sustain us. I am slowly reading your blog and enriched by every word. Your dad would be so proud
Thanks, Jane. The best compliment of all “Your dad would be so proud.” Hugs.
tamerlane franks
How lucky you were to have a father who allowed himself to live and love in sensitivity and gratitude and who was, himself, a writer. And how lucky he was to have a daughter he knew, instinctively, would cherish his thoughts and feelings always and forever…
I’m glad I happened upon your blog, Moonflower…
Thank you Tame, for your kind words. I sincerely appreciate your comment. Please visit my website often.
Simply yours,
Carol Richards
I turned 60 recently and am thankful.
I have gone through the same life stages at roughly the same time as you.
I have a wonderful family and friends but that doesn’t mean that life has been easy.
Meditation, yoga, beautiful music and belief in God and as you say “keeping it simple” gives me strength and an appreciation for all the beautiful little things that happen each day.
Your words reinforced so much how I feel and how lucky we were to have fathers that knew how to love their children and how to pass on what was important in life.
Thank you
I love your block it is so honest and resonates with my belief system
Keep up the wonderful work
Hi Virginia –
Thank you for reading my blog and for the great compliments. I truly appreciate your comments.
Simply yours,
Maybe it’s just the day, but every thing you’ve written is touching me. I feel those same feelings. Simplicity is much needed after a year long divorce. Thank you for the reminder. xoxoxo.
Kay Arthur
Thank you, again, Shelly for your comment. So appreciated and much luck to you in your new passage. There’s freedom in change, you know. Your path is taking on a new journey. Embrace it all.
Thank you for this beautiful blog. You inspire me!!!
Kay Arthur
Thank you Dori – that makes me smile. If I can inspire one person, I’m happy. 🙂