Just words on a page…..
I love libraries. I love the look of them. I love the smell of them. I love the tall aisles of shelved books waiting for me like long lost friends. I can spend hours there grazing, looking for that new “favorite” author, that new favorite novel that will transport me to a different world, a different time, or some fantasy that I know nothing about.
I love those books that I can’t put down. The ones that make me stay up later than I want to. That make me wake up in the early hours and pick it up. That make me get NOTHING done on the weekend, except curling up on the couch or in a chair or in bed enticing me every minute with yet another turn of the page. Just one more chapter. Just one more. And then another and another. Making me smile, laugh, tear up, or weep silently and uncontrollably. Rejoicing in the win or grieving at the loss. And then when I’ve turned the last page, I think about it for hours, for days. sometimes even longer, wishing it wasn’t over, wishing I had one just as good to replace. Thinking and feeling what they felt. I am the Nightingale (Kristen Hannah) or I am Georgia in Eight Hundred Grapes (Laura Dave) in her wedding dress, running off to the Vineyards before my wedding. I am every character that absorbs into my head and yes, sometimes even my heart, when I read their journey from page 1 to the very end.
I’m mesmerized and in awe that a novelist can do that. What talent it takes to touch hundreds, thousands, millions of readers with just one great book.
I’ve always heard that everyone has one good novel in them. Oh, to dream that that could be true. Just one book. Just one masterpiece that tells a story that begs to be told. It would be my great grand wish for myself that those silent words just waiting in limbo, be pulled from their hiding place and transported through my fingers to type on this screen.
Keep waiting, my friends. Keep reading my blogs. Some day they will be more than just words on a page….
Simply yours,