Sexy Sixties
If it’s the Fabulous forties and fifties, then I’m thinking that it HAS to be the Sexy sixties! Right?? Seriously, the word “sexy” means alot of things. It, of course, means “provoking” and “aroused”. That obviously is what alot of people think when they hear the word. But, it also means “interesting, exciting, appealing, spontaneous, ….. and a number of other adjectives. I hear sales people use the term to sell a new product “It’s the “sexy” new way to describe things. Well, I say that we use that specific word to describe the 60’s and yes, even the 70’s. These adjectives are the descriptors that we are looking for as we migrate from our “fabulous” fifties and head straight into our quote, unquote “Golden Years”. I say let’s change that mentality. I say let’s make the 60’s “sexy” and redefine that lovely term “golden years”.
“Golden Years” is not quite what I am ready for and by the fabulous looks of my classmates and friends, none of us are going to fly into that definition willingly, without putting up somewhat of a gracious (or not so gracious) fight. I don’t know about you but I want to retain the spirit of my youth, both inwardly and outwardly and we have to look towards our “sisters in spirit” for support, advice, honesty, and help!
How do YOU feel about clothes shopping? I feel like it’s really not as much fun as it used to be. I used to be able to find a new outfit easily. I had my go to stores and it was a cinch to try on a few and find something spectacular. That’s not so much the case these days. The clothes are either too short, too tight, too “youthful” for me. And other stores that are stated to be geared to mature women seem matronly and downright frumpy, designed to cover up our bodies like a cloak embarrassed of our curves. It’s frustrating trying to find just that right amount of youth that blends with graceful maturity. We teeter on the edge constantly, slipping sometimes into looking silly or more often looking matronly
And then there’s the hair thing. Do we wear it long, short, color it. let it go gray?
What style? It’s thinning. Oh No!
And what do we do about that?
What’s the answer? A fun day shopping with our friends? A great hair stylist? A “hidden” Pinterest page that dares us to look at styles and clothes until we find just that right amount of style that brings the “sexy” back to our appearance and look. We can do this girls! We can come together in unity and show those cloaks where to go. We can find that length of hair that is flattering but not desperate. We can walk into that drug store and find a great hair color for $7.00 a box and bring back shine and bounce to our locks. We can kick the “Golden Years” to the curb and get our “Sexy” back.
We must unite and take a stand! Get out there. Run, walk, do your lunges and show off those legs, suck in those stomachs, put your shoulders back and show off your curves. We can be proud of our age. We can be proud of our “lines”. We’re survivors. We’re strong. We’re women ready to march into Social Security and have to pull out our driver’s license to prove our age! We’ve made it and we’re still young enough to enjoy it!
Yay! You go Girls!
Simply yours,