Girlfriends! What would we do without them….
“Hey there Delilah, don’t you worry about the distance, I’m’ right there if you get lonely, give this song another listen, close your eyes.Listen to my voice, it’s my disguise….I’m by your side”
Love that song! I know it’s not a song about girlfriends, but the message speaks to me about love and friendship. I like this message of the lyrics that tells us “don’t worry, we’ll always be close, what we have is special and you are always somewhere in my mind nearby.”
That’s what true friendship means to me. It’s a special bond that defies the boundaries of distance, time, and age. It’s that puzzle piece that snaps into place when you hear that voice on the phone or see a text with their name on the screen. Our heart instantly and graciously sees them and welcomes them with open arms, ready to accept any and all forms of communication.
I feel girlfriends even become closer as we get older. The priorities of our 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s are different than they are in our 60’s. We may complain about our wrinkles (those are smile lines, my dear!), our sizes, our energy, our sex drive, our spouses, and other flavors that come with the 60’s. But, we accept who we are and we accept that we aren’t trying to prove anything anymore. We just simply want to “be”.
We become more interested in comfort as in comfortable sheets, clothes, and shoes. We love to cook, when we have the time. We love to entertain. We love to read, watch the flowers grow, and watch our grandchildren blossom and bloom into our younger glorious selves. We have little tolerance for vanity, gossip, and materialism. We wish mostly for good health and a brighter future for our kids and grandkids.
We share all of this – the common thread that binds us as Besties. We meet for coffee, we drink wine at our meals, we go to bed early.
Thank God for my girlfriends and you know who you are. You are the ones who say “is everything ok? I’ve been thinking about you a lot!”. You are the ones who reminisce with me and remind me that we were once crazy, carefree, impulsive. and filled with the fire of youth. You are the ones who push me to be my best and to take things in stride. You’ve taught me that an outfit always looks better with a strand of pearls. You tell me if I look tired or taken my diet too far. You care about me and the day feels brighter after I’ve touched base with you.
“A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they’ve got planes and trains and cars. I’d walk to you if I had no other way…..
Delilah I can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same…. And you’re to blame..
Now that I’ve got that song set in concrete in your pretty little head for the day, hum it, sing it, and call your best friend or all of your friends.
We can’t live without them.
Simply yours,